
Your History Through Pop Culture aka “Podcast Karaoke”

The oral history archives that make up the Everything is a Primary Source Project begin with these sessions of reacting and relating to artifacts pulled from our extensive collection. Perfect for libraries, museums, schools, businesses, festivals and professional conferences, Your History Through Pop Culture relies on the contributions of audience members and passersby to begin conversations that will be added to by teachers and their students nationwide.

Let’s start a conversation! Reach out for a quote

EPS Trivia

The EPS Trivia offering looks like other “pub trivia” contests, as it is a team vs. team game and contestants write their answers down through a series of different rounds. Our trivia comes with a twist in that throughout the game there will be opportunities to discuss some of the items involved to be on the podcast and build the foundation for the online archive entries. This presentation is perfect for libraries, school professional development days, historical societies, rec centers, museums and anywhere else there is a gathering of people interested in engaging with the past through popular media. Proceeds will go towards the Everything is a Primary Source mission of supporting humanities education and elevating student voices through audio creation in the classroom.

Located in NH or Southern Maine? Book for your next event today!

Professional Development

The terms primary and secondary sources are firmly embedded into the lexicon of English and Social Studies instruction because they are the building blocks of all humanities and necessary for historical literacy. The EPS instructional method can help humanities teachers of all levels refine their existing curriculum and become more efficient and effective in planning, facilitating and assessment. The pedagogy has proven very effective in the wide spectrum of social studies courses, including Advanced Placement US History where it has translated to high levels of success on the APUSH Exam.

Our professional development is tailored to your school or district’s needs and centers on supplementing, rather than replacing, teachers’ existing resources. Training sessions can span one or two days and be a single visit or continuous relationship. And, unlike many other professional development offerings, EPS’s interactive components—”Your History Through Pop Culture recording sessions and/or EPS Trivia— will energize and engage educators as they improve their craft.

Contact for details and availability